Always rated one of the best restaurants in the county by the Health Department
Dear Valued Guest:
As a family owned and operated business, we take seriously our responsibilities to ensure the health and safety of our guests and staff at all times. We are doing everything we can to ensure that our customers’ experiences with us are enjoyable, comfortable, and something you will want to do again and again! We have embraced our outdoor dining space to the fullest and have invested in an outdoor heating system that allows patrons to enjoy our unmatched view from the toasty comfort of our patio, even as Mother Nature brings colder temps.
Our tables are spaced, our staff is masked, and our view is waiting. Come in to Relax, Enjoy, and Repeat!
“Stretch your legs along Moonstone Beach for a ‘social-distance’ approved outdoor walk. Our patio air is fresh and the view is as beautiful as ever!
Join us for a spacious, healthy, and safe eating environment!”
We pride ourselves on serving delicious food in a sanitary and safe environment, always. There’s a reason our health score is so high. We think of cleanliness as next to godliness.
We have implemented the following measures to mitigate potential exposure to COVID-19 and ensure the safety and health of our employees and patrons:
Hand Washing / Sanitizing
All our staff have been trained on proper hand washing that will be done frequently.
Bussers will be wearing gloves due to heavy use of sanitizing solutions.
Hands-free sanitizers have been installed throughout the restaurant for our staff and guests.
Social Distancing
Guests will be reminded throughout the restaurant to observe 6 feet of separation at all times.
All tables are set 6 feet apart throughout the restaurant and patio.
Wearing Face Coverings
All staff, front and back of house, wear face coverings.
Guests will be asked to wear face coverings until they are seated at the table.
Sanitizing Surfaces
All surfaces are sanitized between uses. Any and all items that are used more than once are sanitized between uses (dishes, utensils, tip trays, pens, etc.)
We are increasing the frequency of sanitizing our public and back-of-house areas, including door handles, counter tops, tabletops, restrooms, and register areas.
What we encourage guests to do:
Wash hands frequently and use a paper towel to dry.
Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Stay home when you are sick.
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and then dispose of the tissue.
In addition to these precautions, we are also:
Closely monitoring developments concerning Coronavirus from respected sources such as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and National Institutes of Health (NIH), as well as local and state health officials
Screening all employees for illness before their shifts
Providing extensive training for all our staff regarding virus prevention
Requiring, as always, that no staff comes into work sick
Paying extraordinarily high attention to all food safety standards.
Consistently ranked one of the top restaurants in the county by the Health Department and intend to continue to be
Continue to make real-time adjustments regarding the safest and best way to conduct business to ensure the safety of our dining guests and our employees
We will remain vigilant on our commitment to safety, service, and excellent food so that we can be your preferred choice when it comes to dining out.
John + Kernn MacKinnon, Owners